IDCEC-Approved Articles

Material Intelligence has created over 20 CEU articles and presentations over the last decade. We are working to be able to host distance-learning CEUs on our site. Until then, below you'll find links to CEUs we've recently published elsewhere. We're not able to guarantee they've been renewed for credit, so please do check with the host sites to confirm. 

TFL Decorative Panels: Sustainable Design for Commercial and Residential Applications

Distance learning, in-person, or virtual presentation.

Learn about the differences between TFL and other legacy materials, how TFL is made, sustainable attributes, and where and why it excels as a choice for interior applications.


The Role of Wood in a Harmonious World

Managing our Emotional Bond with Nature's Most Renewable Resource

Nothing else has the depth, warmth, or beauty of real wood. Responsible use will ensure that this resource is available for future generations. 


TFL Decorative Panles: Responsible Design Defined

Achieve the Rich Look of Wood with Greater Durability, Better Consistency, and Less Guilt.

And while we’re at it, why couldn’t this material be the “greenest” option out there?

Climate Positive Decorative Panels

From Forest Management to Material Substitution

Millennial consumers are committed to making environmentally sustainable purchasing choices. But what makes a product truly sustainable? This course presents data to show that thermally fused laminate (TFL) and other waste wood fiber products are among the most sustainable building materials on the market.


Composite Wood Panels

The Big Green Picture

Few materials on earth are as perfect for their purpose as wood. Trees grow essentially by building themselves, efficiently manufacturing their own construction materials as needed. 


Rubber Flooring in Commercial Interiors

Durability, Ease of Maintenance, Low Life-Cycle Costs and Color Selection Won the Spec in a Major Renovation at Lafayette General Medical Center

The health care sector is a completely unique environment.

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

How to Specify Climate Positive Materials

Go beyond achieving net zero carbon emissions

Create a measurable environmental benefit by by specifying decorative and surface materials that remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than is released in their production. Also AIA-certified.


The 'Sensational' Role of Texture in Surface Design

Touch Can Play an Unexpectedly Large Role in How We Feel About Things

Knowing how things feel–smooth, soft, warm, sticky, dusty–completes your perception of that item or material.